Trusted by Fortune 500s, start-ups, productions and non-profits.
Whether you’re starting your metaverse strategy, expanding your guest experience, or bringing together the creators of tomorrow, Stephanie brings decades of experience, strategy, and insight to your project and team.
Develop the right XR/metaverse strategy by defining your vision, evaluating your path to market, and combining technical and experiential expertise with a holistic approach in a rapidly evolving industry.
Designing impactful products and experiences by incorporating Human-Computer Interaction principles, optimizing guest experience, and clear interactive narrative.
Bring your team up to speed on all things XR & Metaverse with indsutry-specific presentations. Past industries have included entertainment, pharmaceuticals and non-profits.
Stephanie has mentored for Oculus VR For Good, San Diego Opera Hack, NYC RLab, Broadway Tech Accelerator, Digital Promise, ARVR Academy and students around the world.